Weigh-in tonight ... it was a good number: 6.2 lbs lost for the week. That's my best loss since week one, and I'm feeling pretty good about that. I had a really good poo before the weigh-in, and I'm sure that didn't hurt.
On my way home from Spiece, I stopped by the dance studio where my wife was in the middle of a lesson. I opened up the door, stuck my head inside and tried to get her attention discretely (which is very hard to do in a neon pink shirt). Everybody kind of stopped what they were doing momentarily and looked at me kind of funny. I shouted across the room, "I just had to tell Rose that I lost 6.2 pounds for the week!" A lot of random strangers politely murmured congratulations while waiting to resume their interrupted dance lesson. I know a few of the folks there, and they were a little more enthusiastic in their comments. My wife? I distinctly heard her say, "you butt!"
She always knows the perfect thing to say.
We're competing against each other in this little adventure, and I finally passed her in total percentage lost. If she had been "wow, I'm happy for you" but sounded a little deflated, then I would have felt bad. Instead, I think it's awesome to see her competitive fires are stoked. She wants to beat me. As long as she's hungry for victory, we're going to keep feeding off of each's intensity and devour our goals! (Why did I just go on such a weird run of food metaphors?) I don't know if I can sustain numbers like this, but I'm going to keep trying.
Thoughts on fitness, health, good nutrition ... and running.
Welcome to Bald Man Running, a blog launched by Frank Murphy on January 1, 2015.
In March, 2013 I was selected as a contestant for the sixth season of Fort Wayne's Smallest Winner. Through this amazing program, I learned about good nutrition, sound exercise and accountability. By October, I would lose over 88 pounds (almost 37% of my original weight)! One of the many things I acquired through FWSW was a love for running. You can retrace my weight loss journey and discover how I became a runner by reading those entries labeled "fwsw" ...
Note: Many of the blog entries on this website predate 1/1/2015. Prior to launching BMR, I had written articles for various projects, and I have imported many of them into this blog (labeled "retro").
Monday, May 20, 2013
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