About halfway through his run, he passed through Pikermi (what do you call people that live in Pikermi? Pikerminians perhaps?) There's a small, but growing movement to stop calling races of 13.1 miles a "half marathon" and call it a pikermi instead. The city of Marathon gave it's name to a race, so why not do the same Pikermi?
I like the idea. Saying you ran a "half marathon" sounds like you only did half of something. That's a long run. I'd rather say I ran a "double quarter marathon" or something more impressive sounding than sounding I only did something halfway.
It's a bigger deal to me now than it was yesterday. You see, this morning I ran a total of 13.84 miles. It was a training run and not an officially timed event (that's coming in September), but it was still 13.84 miles no matter how you slice it. I shattered my personal best distance by nearly five miles!
It wasn't easy. I was felling pretty good about halfway through the run, and then I got caught in a downpour. The water got into my smartphone, which in turn freaked out and fortunately wasn't permanently damaged.
I've secretly harbored this goal for several weeks now. I think I'll be dialing the distance down for a few weeks and work on improving my pace, but I wanted to complete a full pikermi before the mid-season finale. I've seen a lot of "13.1" stickers in car windows, and I wanted one for myself. I definitely don't want to be one of those guys that sport a "I did ____" bling without actually doing the (fill in the blank). Today, I qualified for the sticker, so I bought one. It's in my car's window right now.
I was tired. I was sore. I felt half dead.
I am a pikerminian.
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