
Thoughts on fitness, health, good nutrition ... and running.

Welcome to Bald Man Running, a blog launched by Frank Murphy on January 1, 2015.

In March, 2013 I was selected as a contestant for the sixth season of Fort Wayne's Smallest Winner. Through this amazing program, I learned about good nutrition, sound exercise and accountability. By October, I would lose over 88 pounds (almost 37% of my original weight)! One of the many things I acquired through FWSW was a love for running. You can retrace my weight loss journey and discover how I became a runner by reading those entries labeled "fwsw" ...

Note: Many of the blog entries on this website predate 1/1/2015. Prior to launching BMR, I had written articles for various projects, and I have imported many of them into this blog (labeled "retro").

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Showing up

This week's challenge is 22 miles (up from last week's 21 miles ). The catch is that at least one outing must be a minimum of 6.1 miles. I wanted to take that one down on my first run, so it would be out of the way. Mission accomplished. 6.1 in 1:08:50. A few days ago, I did 6.2 in 1:12:14, so my overall pace was better by about two minutes. It was the longest sustained run I've ever done ... no walking breaks. It was also on a part of the Rivergreenway that was new to me, so that was also cool.

Just yesterday, I knocked out four miles at a 9:27/mile pace. Today, it was six miles an 11:15/mile pace. I know there are good reasons for today's slower time and I'm not bummed that my pace was almost two minutes/mile slower. The bottom line is that I started and finished. I'm finally getting to the point where I can read my body and respond accordingly. As my stamina improves, I'll be able to do more ... and do it more intelligently.

I wish I had something funny to say tonight, but tonight's entry is kind of like my run ... not the best one I've done, but I showed up. I started AND finished.

Big successes on this journey are made up of many little successes just like this one.

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