
Thoughts on fitness, health, good nutrition ... and running.

Welcome to Bald Man Running, a blog launched by Frank Murphy on January 1, 2015.

In March, 2013 I was selected as a contestant for the sixth season of Fort Wayne's Smallest Winner. Through this amazing program, I learned about good nutrition, sound exercise and accountability. By October, I would lose over 88 pounds (almost 37% of my original weight)! One of the many things I acquired through FWSW was a love for running. You can retrace my weight loss journey and discover how I became a runner by reading those entries labeled "fwsw" ...

Note: Many of the blog entries on this website predate 1/1/2015. Prior to launching BMR, I had written articles for various projects, and I have imported many of them into this blog (labeled "retro").

Friday, April 5, 2013


Funny moment from this morning's workout: I was doing the warm-up jog around the gym with my mentor, Michael, and I heard someone refer to me as "Frank the Tank." I immediately thought of the movie "Old School" with Will Ferrell who played a guy named "Frank the Tank." So, I did what I do. I quoted a fun line from the movie. If you've seen the movie, you probably know the line ... Michael was the only one to hear me say, "We're going streaking! Everyone is doing it!"

Michael hadn't seen the movie. He had no idea what I was talking about. I tried to say it was a movie quote, but I'm going to need somebody to back me up on this please, otherwise Michael might be thinking I'm a bit strange.

Silly little things like this happen between friends. I really appreciate the encouragement and support I've already got from Michael. As a former contestant, he knows the drill and has been generous with his experience. As I'm getting to know my teammates and fellow contestants, I'm seeing myself surrounded by a lot of quality people. It's all been real good.

Well, gotta go. I need to get over to the quad and to the gymnasium.

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