
Thoughts on fitness, health, good nutrition ... and running.

Welcome to Bald Man Running, a blog launched by Frank Murphy on January 1, 2015.

In March, 2013 I was selected as a contestant for the sixth season of Fort Wayne's Smallest Winner. Through this amazing program, I learned about good nutrition, sound exercise and accountability. By October, I would lose over 88 pounds (almost 37% of my original weight)! One of the many things I acquired through FWSW was a love for running. You can retrace my weight loss journey and discover how I became a runner by reading those entries labeled "fwsw" ...

Note: Many of the blog entries on this website predate 1/1/2015. Prior to launching BMR, I had written articles for various projects, and I have imported many of them into this blog (labeled "retro").

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Grab a shovel

Interesting snippet of conversation I overhead at Spiece today: "It's okay, honey. Just calm down. Just call Animal Control ... unless you want to beat it over the head with a shovel to put it out of its misery ..."

No, it was not Rick and Tina talking about me during this morning's workout with Amber. I caught that little tidbit as a guy walked by me while talking on his phone. I don't know the whole story. You now know as much as I do.

I've discovered another nemesis: shortness of breath. I'm sure I've had all these problems since the first day, but was too achy sore to notice. Now, I'm getting a little more capable of doing more each day and I'm noticing things I didn't notice before. Most of it will only get better as I stick to it. It's tough, but I'm not ready for the shovel yet!

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